email from Brumanch society:
Dear Brunei Societies,
BruManch would like to invite you to join us for our event, BruManch Talentime! We hope that you'll get some people from your part of the UK to take part in our event either as contestants or spectators, who knows they might win one of the categories? Therefore, please inform your members regarding this event, clear that date and registration can be done by going into this website http://brumanchtalentime.wordpress.com, all details are written there...
Any enquiries, you may send an e-mail to brumanch@gmail.com or contact me, May at 07882140827.
Thank you!
Leong Yee May
BruManch secretary
Hey Boys and Girls! Are YOU ready for this??!
It's that time of the year again where you can SING your hearts out and/or DANCE until you can't feel your feet! (Not literally.. We don't want to be responsible for any injuries!)
Well, it's BruManch TALENTIME! It’s bigger! It’s better! IT’S LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!!
Date: Saturday, 20th February 2010 (PLENTY of time after exams are over)
Venue: Dancehouse Theatre (It's VERY easy to find!)
Time: 1200 - 1800
How do I sign up to perform?
Go to http://brumanchtalentime.wordpress.com TO REGISTER NOW!
It's the place to be.. Because we know you want to. Some of those who went in previous years STILL want to and this time...
So, what else? Come and join the fun.We hope to see you then ;)*************************************************
Ticket Info:
Brumanch members: £4
Non-Members: £5 (If booked in advanced)
To book a ticket, please send an e-mail to brumanch@gmail.com stating how many tickets you would like to book.
Tickets can also be bought at the door for £6.
Annie May
-- Please visit the BruManch Website: http://www.bru-manch.blogspot.com/
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