From: Brunei Society Wales (bdsswales@googlemail.com)
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:55 PM
Subject: BDSSW and BSU invites you to SERI BRUNEI
To: brubrad.contact@googlemail.com
Salam to all Brunei Societies,
We, Brunei Darussalam Student Society Wales (BDSSW) in collaboration with the Brunei Students' Union (BSU) would like to invite you to our SERI BRUNEI event which is our 26th annual National Day celebration in the United Kingdom. The event which will take place on the 13th March 2010 is open for all to come. So would like to request you to spread the word to all your members to come and celebrate our beloved kingdom Brunei Darussalam during this event.
Venue: Colchester Hall, UWIC Colchester Campus, Colchester Avenue, Cardiff
Date: 13th March 2010
Time: 1100 - 1600
Ticket: £7
Purchase and booking of tickets will be done through e-mail. To book a ticket, please send an e-mail to bdsswales@gmail.com stating your name and number of tickets you would like to book. Alternatively you can approach any members of BDSSW for the tickets. Tickets can also be bought at the door for £7 (however we cannot guarantee availability of tickets on the door as we only provide limited amount of tickets).An email will be sent once payment has been received and your ticket numbers are finalized.
For more information on the event itself, how to get there and many more please visit our facebook event page:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=310231240748We hope you will be able to join us.
Many thanks,
Azimah Zaili
Public Relations Officer
Brunei Darussalam Student Society Wales
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