BruBrad ingin mengucapkan selamat bercuti kepada semua...inda kira di Brunei kah atau di Bradford kah.. Have a great summer everybody!Enjoy your summer holiday with your family and friends=)
to those yang attachment...enjoy and good luck with your attachment=)
Kepada yang sudah dapat result...should be ada kali sudah by now...Congratulation to all who passed....and to those who didnt...Good Luck For yr resit ...never never never never giveup!!!!!=)
And to all final year students who have got their results....Congratulations to all who passed their final exams this year. All the best wishes for those who will be graduating and good luck in your future endeavors . Thank you for all your contribution to BRUBRAD inda kira sikit kah basar. we appreciate it. Enjoy your graduation and jangan lupa ambil gambar banyak-banyak untuk upload d blog brubrad and FB=)
Congratulation Final Year Student!!!!Rindu ni eh nanti.....:(
(Picture taken from Melo's FB)
and lastly,Kepada yang ikut Netballl(and bula jua kalau ada) summer games….Jangan lupa datang belatih ….yang inda ikut pun buleh jua datang meramaikan dan memeriah kan lagi latihan….

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