08:30-09.45 am:The arrival of teams and registration
09:50-10:00 am:Opening speech
10.00 am -12:45: pmGames start
12.50-13:00 pm:Certificate and Prize presentation, Closing speech
How to get there:
The tournament will be held at the following venue:
Trinity Green
Trinity Road
Bradford, BD5UK
The facility is situated around 0.9 miles from the main Bradford Interchange
Station. The journey by car will usually take around 5-8 minutes.
The following are the taxi providers in the Bradford area:
Girlington Taxis:08000 232 646
Abbey Taxis:01274 395060
Typical fee for a 8-seater taxi is around 4-5 pounds.
Alternatively you may use the taxis available outside the Bradford
Interchange Station or Bradford Forster Square Station.
This will usually cost you around 5-6 pounds for a 4-seater taxi.
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