Kepada: Semua Penuntut-Penuntut
Dengan hormat dan sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa mengenai dengan perkara diatas iaitu giliran bersedekah selepas acara zikir dua-belas malam berturut-turut bagi penuntut-penuntut telah pun ditetapkan oleh Urusetia Majlis Ugama Suruhanjaya Tinggi NBD London pada 5hb Mac 2009 Masehi bersamaan dengan 8 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah.
Sehubungan dengan ini, para penuntut adalah di alu-alukan untuk menyumbangkan sedekah yang berupa kewangan atau makanan untuk dinikmati selepas acara zikir selesai berlangsung pada hari yang berkenaan. Kepada penuntut-penuntut yang berhasrat untuk menyumbangkan sedekah yang berupa makanan adalah dipersilakan untuk membawanya terus ke ruang makan (dining hall) Brunei Hall.
Di atas sumbangan yang diberikan oleh para penuntut pihak Persatuan Penuntut-Penuntut Brunei mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih. Segala sumbangan awda bagi majlis yang berkebajikan ini adalah amat-amat dihargai. Semoga Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala membalas apa yang abiskita sumbangkan, Amin.
Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, abiskita bolehlah berhubung terus dengan:
Hj Md Dinie Zuhairi bin Pehin Hj Hasrin +44(0)7756726051
Sekian Terima Kasih.
Yang benar,
S.K. Presiden BSU
S.K. Setiausaha Am BSU
Friday, February 27, 2009
Maulud NabiI Zikir Competition - Changes
Sempena dengan sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London menerusi K.K.S.J.T (Komiti Keugamaan) akan mengadakan pertandingan zikir untuk menyemarakkan sambutan hari tersebut.
Upacara pertandingan Zikir dan acara penyampaian hadiah akan diadakan pada 11 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 08 Mac 2008 Masehi. Pertandingan ini adalah terbuka kepada semua penuntut-penuntut yang berada di United Kingdom dan Ireland.
Sehubungan dengan ini, kepada penuntut-penuntut yang ingin turut serta bolehlah berhubung terus dan mengambil borang dari:-
Reception Brunei Hall +44(0)2074020953
Hj Dinie +44(0)7756726051
Tarikh tutop penyertaan adalah pada 8 Rabiulawal 1430 bersamaan dengan 5 Mac 2009.
Sekian Wasalam.
Borang yang lengkap diisi (which has been e-mailed to all BruBrad members) hendaklah dikembalikan sebelum dan pada 5hb Mac 2009 kepada Urusetia Majlis melalui Setiausaha Hal Ehwal Keugamaan BSU, Hj Md Dinie atau Hj Md Hamzilah. Walaubagaimanapun, borang ini bolehlah juga dihantar melalui emel dan ditujukan kepada
Sempena dengan sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London menerusi K.K.S.J.T (Komiti Keugamaan) akan mengadakan pertandingan zikir untuk menyemarakkan sambutan hari tersebut.
Upacara pertandingan Zikir dan acara penyampaian hadiah akan diadakan pada 11 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 08 Mac 2008 Masehi. Pertandingan ini adalah terbuka kepada semua penuntut-penuntut yang berada di United Kingdom dan Ireland.
Sehubungan dengan ini, kepada penuntut-penuntut yang ingin turut serta bolehlah berhubung terus dan mengambil borang dari:-
Reception Brunei Hall +44(0)2074020953
Hj Dinie +44(0)7756726051
Tarikh tutop penyertaan adalah pada 8 Rabiulawal 1430 bersamaan dengan 5 Mac 2009.
Sekian Wasalam.
Borang yang lengkap diisi (which has been e-mailed to all BruBrad members) hendaklah dikembalikan sebelum dan pada 5hb Mac 2009 kepada Urusetia Majlis melalui Setiausaha Hal Ehwal Keugamaan BSU, Hj Md Dinie atau Hj Md Hamzilah. Walaubagaimanapun, borang ini bolehlah juga dihantar melalui emel dan ditujukan kepada
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friendly Bowling Tournament - Update
Hello all
The bowling tournament this Wednesday is confirmed. I have already booked 3 lanes at the Hollywood bowl next to Cineworld. It will be at 4.30 onwards. So please be there on time as the time slot for us will be fixed. The meeting place will be outside Cineworld 4.30 sharp. Make sure you bring your student card.
Price of one game will be £1.80 with student card. Overall price will be £3.60 as we will be playing 2 games in total. There will be prizes for winners =)
For those of you who haven't replied its not too late to still join the tournament. There are still slots available! So just come the day itself.
Hope to see you there.
The bowling tournament this Wednesday is confirmed. I have already booked 3 lanes at the Hollywood bowl next to Cineworld. It will be at 4.30 onwards. So please be there on time as the time slot for us will be fixed. The meeting place will be outside Cineworld 4.30 sharp. Make sure you bring your student card.
Price of one game will be £1.80 with student card. Overall price will be £3.60 as we will be playing 2 games in total. There will be prizes for winners =)
For those of you who haven't replied its not too late to still join the tournament. There are still slots available! So just come the day itself.
Hope to see you there.
Bruneian Cultural Night - Society Performances
Assalamualaikum and hello everybody!
As our Social & Welfare Secretary may have already informed you, in conjunction with the Silver Jubilee of Brunei National Day and the Golden Jubilee of the Union, BSU and ICUBS are presenting Brunei Cultural Night 2009. It is expected to be one of the biggest celebrated events of the year! We hope to have as many Bruneian Student Societies in the UK & Eire to be involved in this auspicious event as possible.
The event will be held at Leicester Square Theatre on the 28th of March, with the Matinee show showing 2pm-5pm and the Evening show at 6pm-9pm.
With that said, applications for performances are still open - any traditional performances are most welcomed. Each society performance will be given a maximum 4 minute slot and a maximum of 8 performers.
Please get back to me with performance plans before 1st March 2009 if your society would like to get involved. Feel free to contact me if you need further information.
Many thanks,
Hazirah Yusof
Assistant Social & Welfare of BSUnion
Side note from Zaki (Social Officer):
One important factor that needs to be included is that ALL performers will receive reimbursement on their traveling cost! So go ahead BruBrad join in one of the biggest celebrated events of the year!
As our Social & Welfare Secretary may have already informed you, in conjunction with the Silver Jubilee of Brunei National Day and the Golden Jubilee of the Union, BSU and ICUBS are presenting Brunei Cultural Night 2009. It is expected to be one of the biggest celebrated events of the year! We hope to have as many Bruneian Student Societies in the UK & Eire to be involved in this auspicious event as possible.
The event will be held at Leicester Square Theatre on the 28th of March, with the Matinee show showing 2pm-5pm and the Evening show at 6pm-9pm.
With that said, applications for performances are still open - any traditional performances are most welcomed. Each society performance will be given a maximum 4 minute slot and a maximum of 8 performers.
Please get back to me with performance plans before 1st March 2009 if your society would like to get involved. Feel free to contact me if you need further information.
Many thanks,
Hazirah Yusof
Assistant Social & Welfare of BSUnion
Side note from Zaki (Social Officer):
One important factor that needs to be included is that ALL performers will receive reimbursement on their traveling cost! So go ahead BruBrad join in one of the biggest celebrated events of the year!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Happy 25th National Day
To all Bruneian, Selamat menyambut Hari Kebangsaan yang ke 25 tahun (Jubli Perak)

Moto : Kedewasaan Bernegara (Mature Nation)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Maulud NabiI Zikir Competition 8 March 2009
To all societies,
Just to inform you there will be zikir competition on the 8th and 9th of March. I understand that the Brumanch talent time is on the same day, but nevertheless please spread the news. I would appreciate it if you could manage to find some people to participate in this competition. Below is the official notice.
Thank You
Dinie Hasrin
BSU religious secretary
Just to inform you there will be zikir competition on the 8th and 9th of March. I understand that the Brumanch talent time is on the same day, but nevertheless please spread the news. I would appreciate it if you could manage to find some people to participate in this competition. Below is the official notice.
Thank You
Dinie Hasrin
BSU religious secretary
24 Safar 1430
19 Febuary 2009
Sempena dengan sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London menerusi K.K.S.J.T (Komiti Keugamaan) akan mengadakan pertandingan zikir untuk menyemarakkan sambutan hari tersebut.
Upacara pertandingan Zikir ini akan diadakan pada 11 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 08 Mac 2009 Masehi. Acara penyampaian hadiah akan diadakan pada 12 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 09 Mac 2008 Masehi. Kesemua akitiviti ini adalah terbuka kepada semua penuntut-penuntut yang berada di United Kingdom dan Ireland.
Bagi pengetahuan, format pertandingan zikir tahun ini adalah seperti berikut:
~ Zikir Sharafil Anam sahaja
~ Setiap kumpulan terdiri daripada 4-5 orang sahaja
Sehubungan dengan ini, kepada penuntut-penuntut yang ingin turut serta bolehlah berhubung terus dan mengambil borang dari:-
Reception Brunei Hall +44(0)2074020953
Hj Dinie +44(0)7756726051
Tarikh tutop penyertaan adalah pada 8 Rabiulawal 1430 bersamaan dengan 5 Mac 2009.
Sekian Wasalam.
19 Febuary 2009
Sempena dengan sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Negara Brunei Darussalam di London menerusi K.K.S.J.T (Komiti Keugamaan) akan mengadakan pertandingan zikir untuk menyemarakkan sambutan hari tersebut.
Upacara pertandingan Zikir ini akan diadakan pada 11 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 08 Mac 2009 Masehi. Acara penyampaian hadiah akan diadakan pada 12 Rabiulawal 1430 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 09 Mac 2008 Masehi. Kesemua akitiviti ini adalah terbuka kepada semua penuntut-penuntut yang berada di United Kingdom dan Ireland.
Bagi pengetahuan, format pertandingan zikir tahun ini adalah seperti berikut:
~ Zikir Sharafil Anam sahaja
~ Setiap kumpulan terdiri daripada 4-5 orang sahaja
Sehubungan dengan ini, kepada penuntut-penuntut yang ingin turut serta bolehlah berhubung terus dan mengambil borang dari:-
Reception Brunei Hall +44(0)2074020953
Hj Dinie +44(0)7756726051
Tarikh tutop penyertaan adalah pada 8 Rabiulawal 1430 bersamaan dengan 5 Mac 2009.
Sekian Wasalam.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friendly Bowling Tournament
Assalamualaikum everyone
As some of you might already know, the society is organizing afriendly bowling tournament next week on Wednesday the 25th ofFebruary. Time is to be confirmed but most probably it will be in theafternoon. For those who are interested please contact me by replyingto this email or by text-ing me at 07786987634 as soon as possible.This is to allow me to know how many of you are playing so that I canbook appropriate number of lanes. Just come, doesn't matter if youcant bowl, its all for FUN. The more the merrier! =)
Hope to see you there,
As some of you might already know, the society is organizing afriendly bowling tournament next week on Wednesday the 25th ofFebruary. Time is to be confirmed but most probably it will be in theafternoon. For those who are interested please contact me by replyingto this email or by text-ing me at 07786987634 as soon as possible.This is to allow me to know how many of you are playing so that I canbook appropriate number of lanes. Just come, doesn't matter if youcant bowl, its all for FUN. The more the merrier! =)
Hope to see you there,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Leeds Mini Tourney - The Girls
Leeds Mini Tourney - The Boys
Thursday, February 12, 2009
General Meeting and Football Tournament
Assalamualaikum everyone,
As all of you know, we had our general meeting yesterday. We had voted and decided on the hoodies and t-shirt. I have attach the details along with this email. We've only collected orders from those who came to the meeting, so for those who didn't come yesterday, you can place order now by e-mailling to this e-mail with the following information:
For hoodie the following details are required:
Your name
Your nick(to be written on the hoodie) 10 characters only and space is considered as one character
For t-shirt
You name
You can place order and pay latest by 7 March 2009. The price for female hoodie will be around 20 pounds and hoodies for male is around 25 pounds (this price will include price of hoodie 14.65, logo setup 3 pounds and stiching logo to hoodie 2 pounds). The price for female T-shirt will be around 14.30 (price of t-shirt is 12.30 plus logo stiching 2 pounds)
As for this Saturday for the BruLeeds Mini Tournament in Leeds, our own team will be playing in netball and football. If any of you are interested in coming along to support our team, we are planning to go from the interchange at around 9am. So be sure to be there before that time if you are tagging along. Else, you can meet everyone later during the tournament with the help of the information pack given from previous e-mail.
We are planning to have a bowling tournament among ourselves and this tournament will be organized by the Vice President and our Sports Officers. Details will be given once they've setup a proper plan. The tournament will hopefully be held on the 25th February, which is Wednesday.
On the second week of Easter break, 13th April (Monday), we will be organizing a day trip to Alton Towers Theme Park. Entry fees will be approximately 25 pound and we will travel there using a coach (fees for the coach will be announce later). It will take around 2 hours from Bradford to get there. This trip will not be members only. You are welcome to invite more people as the more people there are, the cheaper the payment from each person for the coach. So be sure to save up some money because it will be a fun trip.
Other than that, we are also planning for a picnic at Lister Park on the 18th of April. That is all for now. We will e-mail any information when they come.
Selina Haji Ahmad
Secretary of BruBrad
As all of you know, we had our general meeting yesterday. We had voted and decided on the hoodies and t-shirt. I have attach the details along with this email. We've only collected orders from those who came to the meeting, so for those who didn't come yesterday, you can place order now by e-mailling to this e-mail with the following information:
For hoodie the following details are required:
Your name
Your nick(to be written on the hoodie) 10 characters only and space is considered as one character
For t-shirt
You name
You can place order and pay latest by 7 March 2009. The price for female hoodie will be around 20 pounds and hoodies for male is around 25 pounds (this price will include price of hoodie 14.65, logo setup 3 pounds and stiching logo to hoodie 2 pounds). The price for female T-shirt will be around 14.30 (price of t-shirt is 12.30 plus logo stiching 2 pounds)
As for this Saturday for the BruLeeds Mini Tournament in Leeds, our own team will be playing in netball and football. If any of you are interested in coming along to support our team, we are planning to go from the interchange at around 9am. So be sure to be there before that time if you are tagging along. Else, you can meet everyone later during the tournament with the help of the information pack given from previous e-mail.
We are planning to have a bowling tournament among ourselves and this tournament will be organized by the Vice President and our Sports Officers. Details will be given once they've setup a proper plan. The tournament will hopefully be held on the 25th February, which is Wednesday.
On the second week of Easter break, 13th April (Monday), we will be organizing a day trip to Alton Towers Theme Park. Entry fees will be approximately 25 pound and we will travel there using a coach (fees for the coach will be announce later). It will take around 2 hours from Bradford to get there. This trip will not be members only. You are welcome to invite more people as the more people there are, the cheaper the payment from each person for the coach. So be sure to save up some money because it will be a fun trip.
Other than that, we are also planning for a picnic at Lister Park on the 18th of April. That is all for now. We will e-mail any information when they come.
Selina Haji Ahmad
Secretary of BruBrad
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
General Meeting
Assalamualaikum everyone~
We will be having a general meeting for the society on the 11th of February @ 5pm til 7pm, that's on Wednesday and hopefully everyone can come and attend. The venue will be in Meeting Room 1 below the Student Union.
Mohamad Effendy
President of BruBrad
p.s. We will be collecting orders for the hoodies and t-shirt (if you want).
We will be having a general meeting for the society on the 11th of February @ 5pm til 7pm, that's on Wednesday and hopefully everyone can come and attend. The venue will be in Meeting Room 1 below the Student Union.
Mohamad Effendy
President of BruBrad
p.s. We will be collecting orders for the hoodies and t-shirt (if you want).
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