Thursday, November 26, 2009

Paper Blooms Flower

A message from DeeNina. It is very interesting, so do join!


As you all know, I'm currently in my final year doing BA in Digital Media. As a final year project, I need voluntary contributions of paper flowers from people. As an end product, those flowers would be included in the major artwork. For more information, have a look at the website:

You could also join the FaceBook group (in which I highly encourage :D )

FaceBook Group : Paper Blooms Project.

To start off this great project, I will be hosting it during the next meeting (Thursday, 3rd December 2009). So I do hope you all would come and help me out. It'd be a fun activity for all =D

p/s: if you got scissors and glue, do bring it. I'll bring the papers! =D thanks yaaaa~ I'm hoping that this project would be a success! Do spread the word to everyone. Even in Brunei! The more i receive it, the more awesome the project is going to be!


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