Monday, December 13, 2010

Netball Practice

Assalammualaikum everyone,

As you know we have a netball practice tomorrow. It will be our last netball practice for 2010. We will be playing at the Grange Interlink at 7, so if you can please be there earlier, 6.30 or 6.45 so that we can warm up and stretch so that we can play sharp at 7.

Please try to make it as it will be our last netball practice before we all go for holiday and, there will be pictures taken. So kalau kan lawa lawa, jadi tah.

Thank you.

Fara Abdullah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Uni closed

Due to the continuing adverse weather conditions the University will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday, 2 December.

Any updates to the weather advice for University of Bradford will be here:

Reminder election day

reminder: As you all know, tomorrow is voting and election day.

Date: Thursday, 2 December 2010
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Venue: GTA C9, Richmond Building

Your attendance is highly appreciated. Results will also be on the same day. So, see you there!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bradford Cancer Research Football Tournament

Sorry for the last minute change of location since it was snowing the night before the event.
Thank you to all who participated in cancer research uk fund raising event.
Thank you to all the volunteers.

Thank you for the generous donation.and congratulation to Nurul,Wadi,Firah&qawi(from left) who successfully organised the mini football tournament for Cancer Research UK.

Photos by : Nurul Hazimah Ghani

Monday, November 29, 2010

Easter games poll

Latest news from the BSUnion and affiliated societies.

The BruNotts society is currently planning their Annual Easter Games, which is slated to take place on the 2nd of April 2011. They are interested in including two new games (Squash and Table Tennis), and is currently running a poll to express interest.

To cast your vote:

Adrian Salleh AB Rahaman
Information Secretary

Brunei Students Union.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bruneian Societies Dialog


To any of you who are interested, please give us an email, and we will discuss further regarding the presentation.

Salam and hello societies!

Hope this email finds everyone well, and that activities and events running in your own university and society are going well. Please find below a forwarded message for all affiliated societies:


With the increasing number of Bruneians Students' Societies in the UK, the Brunei Students' Union (BSUnion) decided to organise a Bruneian Societies' Dialog where representatives from each society will be able to interact and engage in exchange of ideas with one another. The details for the Dialog are as follows:

Date: 4th December 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 11am - 3pm
Venue: Brunei Hall, 35-43 Norfolk Square, Paddington W2 1RX

The official aims of the Dialog are as follows:
1. To promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between all Bruneian societies in order to bridge inter-society gaps with respect to size and activities.
2. To encourage activities that are beneficial not only specific to Bruneian students, but also to Brunei as a country.
3. To help societies achieve recognition with regards to their roles and responsibilities as a Bruneian society in the United Kingdom.

With this, it is my pleasure to invite two representatives from your society to attend this Dialog, and we highly encourage you to deliver a short presentation (max ten minutes) followed by questions and answers on:

1. Your vision and objectives
2. 2010-11 Action Plan
3. Expectations from your activities
4. Future Events

Officers from Unit Penuntut-Penuntut will also be attending and delivering a number of speeches with regards to their expectations from the societies and the assistance that they are willing to provide to the societies. On the other hand, BSUnion will also be presenting our action plan for 2011 and clarifications of the benefits of affiliation with the Union.

This Dialog will be a fantastic opportunity for all societies to share your experiences with each other, and you will also be able to ask questions from UPP officers, BSUnion menbers and even members of other societies.

I understand that this is rather a late notice, but your support for and attendance at this event will be very much appreciated, and I look forward to seeing your society's representatives at the Dialog.

Kindly please reply to Sarah Ghazali at by Thursday 2nd December whether or not you will be sending representatives to attend the event.

Best wishes,

Izzati Mohd Noor
Brunei Student Union 2010/11

Looking forward to hearing from everyone soon, and please do not hesitate to ask me for assistance or clarifications about the above event!

Sarah Ghazali
Undergraduate Social and Welfare Secretary
Brunei Students' Union 2010/11

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bradford Cancer Research Football Tournament

Programme for the day

08:30-09.45 am:The arrival of teams and registration
09:50-10:00 am:Opening speech
10.00 am -12:45: pmGames start
12.50-13:00 pm:Certificate and Prize presentation, Closing speech

How to get there:

The tournament will be held at the following venue:

Trinity Green
Trinity Road
Bradford, BD5UK

The facility is situated around 0.9 miles from the main Bradford Interchange
Station. The journey by car will usually take around 5-8 minutes.
The following are the taxi providers in the Bradford area:

Girlington Taxis:08000 232 646

Abbey Taxis:01274 395060

Typical fee for a 8-seater taxi is around 4-5 pounds.

Alternatively you may use the taxis available outside the Bradford
Interchange Station or Bradford Forster Square Station.

This will usually cost you around 5-6 pounds for a 4-seater taxi.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Election Day‏

Election and Political Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Election day will be next week! Details:

Date: Thursday, 2 December 2010
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Venue: GTA C9, Richmond Building

Results will also be on the same day. So, see you there!

Kind regards,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Aidil Adha & General Meeting‏

Assalamualaikum all,

Since our general meeting on the 17th November (Wednesday) falls on the Hari Raya Aidil Adha, we would like to incorporate a recitation of the takbir raya before we proceed to the agendas. Therefore, we would like for everyone to be dressed appropriately for this meeting; you can choose to wear baju kurung or cara melayu, but you can also choose not to. (As long as it's sopan ;D )

Unfortunately, there will be no "jamuan" as we don't have a license for it.

Gentle reminder,
General meeting on this Wednesday, details:

Date: 17 November 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm
Place: GTA L22, Richmond Building

Your attendance is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bradford Cancer Research UK Mini Tournament

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Hope your first semester in university/college are well. We are writing this letter to inform you about an event for our final year project: a Bradford Cancer Research UK Mini Tournament (5-A-Side Football) on 27th November 2010 (Saturday) at 5 Alive Soccer Centre*, Bradford from 1:00pm until 3:00pm. Our charity is to support those who are beating cancer and the money raise will be donated to the Cancer Research in UK.

Please do not hesitate to contact Firah at 07522475665, if you are interested in helping us or joining the tournament.

Thank you,

Zafirah Putra

Qawi Zulkipli

Nurul Ghani

Israwadi Yusof

*5 Alive Soccer Centrew Ltd.

York Street



Monday, November 1, 2010

Latest news from the BSUnion and affiliated societies.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adrian Salleh AB Rahaman>
Date: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Winter Games Details, Lost in London, Quranic Recitals

Latest news from the BSUnion and affiliated societies.

1. Details on the Winter Games date and venue for futsal, netball,
basketball and badminton are now available. The council is also
putting a call out to individuals interested in volunteering to help
run the events during the day itself.
For more information:

2. BrUCL has announced its much anticipated Lost in London event that
will take place on the 20th of November. So gather your friends in
teams of three and come and join for a bit of fun and competition!
Make your way through the streets of London and win amazing prizes!
For more information and to register:

3. The UPP together with the BSUnion is organising Quranic Recitals in
preparation for the Khatam Al-Quran next year. Recitals will be held
every Friday beginning this on the 5th of November.
For more information:

Adrian Salleh AB Rahaman
Information Secretary
Brunei Students Union.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

General Meeting


There will be a general meeting soon, details:

Date: 17 November 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm
Place: GTA L22, Richmond Building

Your attendance is highly appreciated, as it is our first official general meeting this semester.

(Apologies for the delay)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Congratulation to our runners!!!

BruBrad would like to congratulate the runners for their amazing achievement. Their determination and hardwork paid off and they all completed the Bradford City run in amazing times. BruBrad are proud of their efforts, their sporting behaviours and of the way they represent the society.Congratulations!!!

Abdul Qawi Haji Zulkipli 2 hours 20 secondsIsrawadi Yousef 2 hours 13 minutes 15 secondsSyukri Othmen 2 hours 30 minutes 5 seconds

Photos by: Najmi nor

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

bradford city run 2010

Hi guys,

Thought you might be interested in this. The event will be on this Sunday, 17 October 2010, 9.00 A.M. Entry can either be through online and on the day itself (Last entry by 8.15 A.M.)

There are already a couple of Bruneian students that have registered, but it would be more fun to participate in this kind of event with more friends :D


Sunday, October 10, 2010

brubrad raya 2010

pictures by zatil suffian

Monday, October 4, 2010

bruleeds bmt

Latest news from the BSUnion and affiliated societies.

BruLeeds will be holding the "BruLeeds Mini Tournament" (BMT) on the
30th of October. Games include football and netball. Registration
opens on the 30th of September.
More information and to reigster:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Welcome new semester!!


Hello and welcome back to University. BruBrad hope you had a great holiday and new year and are ready for the new term:)

and welcome to the freshers. Freshers' Week begins this year on Sunday 19th September. Click Here for This year's schedule.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya 2010

Dikesempatan ini BruBrad ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin, Semoga Syawal mulia ini dapat memberikan kita sejuta kebahagian dan keberkatan dari Nya. Amin...

Eid mubarak:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BruBrad Sungkai Outing 2010

Assalamualaikum everybody, hope everyone's enjoying their holiday as well as the Ramadhan season (:

Details for the BruBrad sungkai outing:

Date: Monday, 6th September 2010
Time: 5.30 - 7.30pm
Venue: FLAVOURS, Gadong (previously known as the curry house)

Hopefully everyone can make it, especially the ones who wont be coming back to Bradford anymore :'( (kira ani the last official gathering before the semester starts).

Anyway, you guys can leave any suggestions for the venue since it's not yet confirmed (a place where its $15 less and more important: NYAMAN).

Thank you very much



Thursday, August 26, 2010

Majlis Doa Kesyukuran 2010

A thanksgiving ceremony was held at the Royal Brunei Polo & Riding Club in Jerudong for government scholars abroad who have completed their studies this year.

Congratulation to all BruBrad's Graduates 2010.Wishing you many more successes in the future:)

Photos by : Sel Ahmad

MoE Fetes Govt Scholarship Students -->

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BruBraD @ UK Exhibition 2010

Photos By : Siti Khadizah Roslan